Ilford Simplicity Starter Pack
Containing all of the necessary chemistry for developing black and white film, the SIMPLICITY Starter Pack from Ilford contains pre-measured portions of four concentrated chemicals to produce working solutions for processing one roll of 120 or two rolls of 35mm film in a two-reel, 600mL developing tank.
Film developer sachet contains 60mL of ILFOSOL 3 concentrate, which is then mixed with 540mL of water (1+9 dilution) at temperature to create a 600mL working solution for developing one roll of 120 or two rolls of 35mm film in a two-reel, 600mL developing tank. ILFOSOL 3 is characterized by its ability to produce fine grain results with high sharpness and full film speed, and it is particularly well-suited for use with medium-speed films.
Stop bath sachet contains 30mL of ILFOSTOP concentrate, which is then mixed with 570mL of water (1+19 dilution) at temperature to create a 600mL working solution for processing one roll of 120 or two rolls of 35mm film in a two-reel, 600mL developing tank. ILFOSTOP is a low odor, citric acid-based stop bath that stops the development process and helps to prolong the life and activity of the fixer solution. It is recommended to ensure accurate development times.
Fixer sachet contains 100mL of RAPID FIXER concentrate, which is then mixed with 500mL of water (1+5 dilution) at temperature to create a 600mL working solution for processing one roll of 120 or two rolls of 35mm film in a two-reel, 600mL developing tank. Rapid Fixer is a rapid-acting, non-hardening fixer that should not be used with any hardeners.
Wetting agent sachet contains 25mL of ILFOTOL, of which two cap-fulls are required per use during the final rinse. This sachet contains enough wetting agent for eight rolls of 120 or 16 rolls of 35mm film in a two-reel, 600mL developing tank. ILFOTOL is a non-ionic wetting agent that aids in rapid, even drying of film, helps to prevent water spots from forming, and promotes anti-static qualities.